+Additional Work

Welcome to Ristorante : Which Pizza will you fall in love with today?
What better way to celebrate the summer with a Ristorante Pizza? Helping Dr. Oetker created was an app that helped set up dates by matching our audience members together based on their favourite type of pizza. Finding love not only through their heart, but mainly their stomach.
Role Designer | Agency Mosaic

Originally a PowerPoint deck design turned into a branded digital look and feel for Tetley’s Herbal Iced Tea launch. Deliverables included a branding, PowerPoint design, print production and digital production.
Role Designer | Agency Mosaic

Samsung & Samsung Members S8 & S8+ Digital Launch
For Samsung's upcoming launch, created were digital applications to be sent out for specific locations in Toronto, Vancouver and Quebec.
Role Designer | Agency Mosaic

Ford Valentine’s Day "Bring meaning back to messages"
Concept (Spec Work) | Expanding on a set of social posts designed in 2015 for Ford Canada, the implemented spec work campaign was meant to align with the launch of the 2015 Mustang. We live in a world where messages are sent instantaneously, without a thought. Let's bring back some emotion and meaning to each message we send to each other.
Strategy | The primary objective and emphasis of the campaign is to “connect” on all platforms.
Social Media | Launching a set series of posts that blends the trend of messaging with acronyms and emojis aligning with Ford products and the launch of the 2015 Mustang.
Ford Canada Valentine's Day Post 2015
At the same time as launching the set series of social posts, “Owner Stories” will be implemented to connect the community in sharing their memories nearing Valentine’s Day on the Ford blog and social channels.
Digital | Another part of the campaign will have an app and microsite created to help make the odds of connecting together easier with their loved ones and vehicles.
When purchasing or leasing a vehicle, the client has the option to have the vehicle delivered with features such as a personalized love letter on the Ford Sync 3, Route maps added for a romantic scavenger hunt, to even having gas cards and food gift cards at participating stops for the child far away from home. Each vehicle order is set up with the dealership nearest or preferred by the customer, bridging communication between dealerships and consumers.
Print | Print ad promoting campaign and the launch of the 2015 Mustang.
Experiential/OOH | Consumers will have the chance to send their loved ones a message with a unique code which can be found on interactive bus shelter ads and online platforms. When their loved ones visit one of the set locations and enters the code (as well as a dollar which would be donated to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada), a limited edition 3D printed model of a Ford vehicle is created for them right in front of their eyes.
Role Art Direction + Creative Direction + Design

Ford Canada Mustang Limitless Presents Stuntman
Working with the Digital Media Producer, each scene was quickly sketched based on Producer's specified angles; than digitally drawn. Having the humble opportunity to be on set (and to learn), shown are some of the behind the scenes photos I took as well as the storyboards that were used.
Role Storyboard Illustrator/Photographer | Creative Director Jason Partridge | Senior Art Director Jessica Richards | Senior Copywriter Scott Lew | Digital Media Producer Alec Bozzo

Ford Canada Julian vs The Boss
Working our digital media producer, each scene was conceptualized than drawn. Shown are the drawings of the storyboards I help create for the campaign; Julian vs. the Boss. This campaign was launched on social channels accompanied by social posts.
Results | The campaign generated over 6.3MM impressions, and 1.7K interactions." -Archived from the 7th Annual Shorty Awards
Role Storyboard Illustrator | Creative Director Jason Partridge | Senior Art Director Maxime Verrette | Digital Media Producer Alec Bozzo

Ford Canada Drinking & Driving Digital PSA
Concept | Your Stomach = Gas Jug Beer = Gas Nozzle
Being one of the leading companies in the automotive industry, the concept was to help Ford continue to be the first in education and innovation. By creating a drinking and driving PSA during the holidays, the idea was to help educate and make aware of the dangers of drinking to people during one of the busiest and festive times of the year.
By comparing your drinking tolerance to filling up a gas jug the audience could get the message without the traditional use of vehicles and warnings that many drinking and driving PSA's tend to have.
Strategy | Originally to be launched on Ford's social channels and blog, there would be a set trio of social posts and video to educate people. The campaign would continue through both digital and print by introducing "Designated Driver" packages.
Designated Driver Packages | Ford Owners and non-owners would receive an envelope containing cards and postcards that the designated driver can give out to their passengers. Each envelope contains an educational information card on the appropriate levels of drinking, a contract/favor card to passengers of the designated driver of the night, and also sobriety test cards that the designated driver can use to convince their passengers when enough is enough.
Role Art Direction + Design | Digital Media Producer Alec Bozzo | Copywriter Natalie Dyck